The Day That We Met E' Cas
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The day that we met E' Cas
The picture below was taken of me the very day that I met E' Cas. Never before had I ever even thought much of a lookalike. He really changed my view.

Miannic & E' Cas
I never really thought it would happen. I had been to his shows three or four times before. At this MJ day he orgainised to meet his fans to help charity.
We stayed behind afterwards and had a long chat with the man.

An acount of that day :
It really was an amazing day. We arrived knowing what to expect. We had seen E' Cas before and he never failed to amaze. The train journey was full of what expectation. What songs would he do, what would he look like now things had moved on. As soon as we walked in we were E' Cas-ed! People were running around in the corridor shouting that you can have your picture taken with Michael Jackson! As we came closer we saw the photo booth. I realised this was E' Cas the worlds number one lookalike. Cas remained proffesional throughout the pictures being taken and he took care to talk to each fan and put them at ease as each shot was taken. His speaking voice was so similar, just very slightly deeper with a Californian accent.

Before the show started we had a chance to talk with Cas and ask him some questions. We were telling him that we had seen him at many shows before. He was very humble and tried to shy away from all complements that we gave him, but at the same time he thanked us for showing interest. We started talking to him about the internet and he became excited when we showed him a picture that we got from the net. He called over a small boy and showed him the picture. 'Look thats me, thats my natural look. I have braids just like you!' The boy loved it and they laughed together. Upon seeing him interact with the boy I realised that the man was more like Michael in other ways than just the singing. He loves kids and the excitement levels for his source of entertainment are the same. He seemed very calm and inspiring before the show, I think he was completely focused. After seeing the show I felt I realised why he had to be! After waliking out of the Theatre I felt lifted!

Picture to the right above-- another fan has his picture taken with the main man